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Der neue Tachograph DTCO 4.1 | Telematics Magazine

The new Tachograph DTCO 4.1

The mobility package I is intended to ensure more balanced competition in the EU’s internal market. An important role in this plays the new tachograph. The digital Tachograph DTCO 4.1 (SmartTacho G2V2) is mandatory in all new vehicles with a total weight of more than 3.5 t since August 21, 2023.

Vernetzte Systeme in der Logistik | Telematics Magazine

Linked systems in logistics

Because of the big changes in logistics and the changes that will come in the near future, it becomes more and more important that the systems in logistics are linked to each other.

Saving money through software

There are different possibilities of saving money looking at the truck driver. One example is the optimization of the working time of the driver. This includes the driving times, the loading at the company and the waiting time at the customer.

Kosteneinsparungen in der Spedition | Telematics Magazine

Saving money through logistics software

Forwarding companies are able to save money through to process optimizations. Especially, through the usage of new software which amortizes after a short period of time.

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