Again the 3rd Innovation Forum Telematics offered our visitors a wide range of logistics related topics and current trends in mobile data communication. In addition to the leading topic of “B2C” in general cargo, which was debated in a high-profile panel discussion, also innovations in professional smartphones and the legal framework for BYOD were on the agenda.
Our forum is primarily an information and communication event – and not a traditional sales event. Therefore the focus was on numerous informative lectures – of course our panel discussion – and the conversations with 90 guests and TIS-partners.
B2C general cargo: Challenges and Solutions
In particular, the discussion of Peter Baumann (24plus), Wolfgang Debusmann (Emons) and Jürgen Wilhelm (Jeschke and Sander) on the podium was met with great interest, because of the timeliness of the B2C complex. Traditionally the consumer delivery has been reserved rather to parcel services. But according to the estimates of the participants in the discussion the share of deliveries to residential customers by cargo forwarders already today accounts for about 10 percent. And rising. Online business is booming – and especially bulky goods can not be delivered by parcel services to residential customers due to their dimensions. Here the cargo forwarders are required, but they have difficulties with the integration into the existing B2B processes and face the challenges of the “last mile”.
The crux of the “last mile” to private recipients
The biggest problem so far: With the private customer, the delivery must be agreed beforehand, since a non-delivery can ruin an entire tour. Private receivers also think differently than B2B customers. They expect delivery of the goods at the point of use – and are used not to get charged any extra shipping costs. In addition, the delivery to a home or apartment for the driver bears legal problems, since the normal cargo transport ends at the property line. Anything beyond that requires separate agreements to fix costs and liability issues bindingly.
Therefore, the panelists agreed that the cargo forwarders must reach out to their shipping customers – the store operators – in order to clarify cargo costs and the specifics of delivery already at the time of the online purchase.
Conclusion of the very interesting discussion: B2C in general cargo? Yes, of course.
The market offers great potential for growth. But a closer cooperation with the shop owners is necessary. The cargo forwarders also quickly need a critical mass to make the processes affordable. The IT systems must be able to manage more information about the recipient’s address and allow for a professional announcement of the shipment – this requires trained call center staff. Mobile order management, such as PSV3, is able to support the adjusted delivery processes very well, if a reliable database is available. The photograph of the delivery situation can, for example, prevent unjustified compensation claims.
Also: presentations and live demos
In addition to the highlight event of our panel discussion, which recently has also been covered in a detailed DVZ report, our guests were given the opportunity to gather information in numerous lectures. Among others the subjects concerned the overall market situation, as well as legal pitfalls of BYOD and smartphones, cargo theft prevention, but also application scenarios in mobile solutions. In addition, our software development department introduced the new technical concept behind PSV3 Next Generation.
On several floors in the TIS Tower we also provided the opportunity to gather information about various topics directly from our partners: Starting at video surveillance in the warehouse over data center solutions, design options for WLAN infrastructures, terminal emulation, truck navigation and latest MDTs to advantages and disadvantages of different forms of financing.
Overall, this was a very successful and exciting event, and we will organize it again next year.
Participants’ comments:
“For the interesting event in a very pleasant atmosphere I would like to once again thank you and your staff. I’m already looking forward to the next year.”
Henry Gustke [EDV / Controlling], Spedition Heinrich Gustke GmbH, Rostock
“I enjoyed the event a lot and I would also like to thank the TIS GmbH. Further developments in B2C we should watch together and exchange ideas. We should stay in close contact here.”
Jürgen Wilhelm, Managing Director SANDER SPEDITION, Itzehoe – Hamburg – Rostock