Nearly three-quarters of companies with more than 20 employees now rely on cloud computing. This also has a positive effect on the digitization of companies.
Once a year, Bitkom publishes the cloud monitor on behalf of the consulting firm KPMG. The representative survey of 553 companies this year showed further growth in cloud computing from 66 to 73 percent. Both the private and the public cloud have found more followers.
Cloud applications are increasing
The largest increase came from private cloud computing. From 2016 to 2018, it grew by eleven percent. After all, the public cloud increased by six percent over the same period. Companies’ internal digitization therefore definitely uses the cloud and creates the corresponding network.
Security concerns prevail
The reliance on external resources, however, remains modest. One reason for this can be found in the cloud monitor. Nearly three out of four companies fear unauthorized access to sensitive data and two-thirds are worried about losing data.
But the hesitation crumbles slowly. As recently as 2016, only 19 percent of the surveyed companies processed critical business information in the public cloud. Last year, there were at least 33 percent. At the same time, 80 percent of users use the faster scalability of IT services. 76 percent value mobile, geographically distributed access to IT resources and 64 percent.
When deciding on a cloud provider, 90 percent of respondents check on the compliance of the applicable data protection regulations. This is followed by special requirements for the providers. Businesses have a clear idea of ​​what they expect from a public cloud. Following at 79 percent, transparent security architecture and controls lead the list. Again, this shows that providers should continue to work increasingly on the security of the data. In the opinion of Bitkom and KPMG, the cloud will not continue growing on its own. This is especially true for innovative techniques such as artificial intelligence or blockchain. Just 20 percent of respondents use Industry 4.0 applications. There is still a lot of room for improvement.
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