Ghost drivers – A deadly danger on our highways

Police Headquarters Münster - Accident prevention

Every year 2,500 ghost drivers are reported on Germany’s roads. Police chief commissioner Christoph Becker informs about the dangers of these “ghost-drivers” – and gives tips on how to behave when looking at a wrong-way driver (or even accidentally becoming a wrong-way driver).

How do I behave correctly when a wrong-way driver approaches me or I hear the message on the radio?

Drive right and do not pass.
Decrease the speed decrease and avoid full brakes.
Increase the distance to the preceding vehicle – this gives you a better overview ahead and you can react, if a wrong-way driver approaches.
Do not use the flashing light – if the wrong-way driver has noticed that he is traveling in the wrong direction, it only makes him nervous.

If you are traveling on the highway, you should always have switched on the traffic warning channel. Wrong-way drivers will be reported there immediately after becoming known!

How do I behave correctly, if I have become a wrong-way driver myself?

If you are on the overtaking lane (this is the rule) drive right to the middle guardrail.
Switch on the light and the warning light.
If possible, leave the vehicle and stand between the double guardrails, which are usually available on the median. Wait there for the police, which is certainly already informed.
Do not turn or back up.
Backing up on busy highways without stopping the incoming traffic is most dangerous!
Courage Test: In case of a courage test, police investigations will include allegations of intentional killing and for attempted murder or manslaughter.

Christoph Becker

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