Honeywell Whitepaper on operating systems for mobile devices

Honeywell Whitepaper on operating systems for mobile devices

In his latest White Paper mobile Hardware vendor Honeywell takes a look at the currently available operating systems from a strategic point of view. Which OS is the right one for your business in the long term?

One thing is for sure, the number one for the last decade, Windows® Embedded Handheld 6.5 (WEH 6.5) is closing in to its end of life. Microsoft will support it till 2020, but the lacks of support for more than 512 MB RAM and multiple CPU cores already render it useless for today’s hardware.

Microsoft suggests switching to Windows 10, after Windows 8.1 proved to be too short lived for the Enterprise market. As Windows 10 requires completely rewriting WEH 6.5 applications the hurdle is low switching to another OS like Android and iOS altogether. Each OS has its strengths and weaknesses and the White Paper lists them pretty comprehensively.

We at TIS defuse the situation by making our new TISLOG mobile solution mostly OS independent. Only a small part, responsible for database operations and hardware control needs to be written for the specific hardware our customers want to use. All the other parts, user interface, workflow, business logic, even the application itself are OS independent. So our customers don’t need to worry about investment security, it doesn’t matter which OS rules the enterprise market in a couple of years, their customized TISLOG solution will work on virtually any current and future mobile device.

Image source: TIS GmbH

Peter Hochwald

Since September 2016 at TIS in the field of internal sales. Peter Hochwald has 17 years of experience in the telecommunication sector. He represents the interface between internal project staff, suppliers, and customers.
Focuses on sales of TISWARE hardware and TISPLUS accessories, also supports marketing and administration, and takes care of the global Vendor Relationships.

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