Paperless forwarding companies have long been an important topic in logistics. But what is the current status? What options are there to save paper?
Development of paperless forwarding companies
Around 2000, the topic of paperless forwarding companies came into focus in the logistics industry for the first time. During this time, “digital processes” were created to the extent that they represent paper in electronic form.
Around 2010, digital processes were established and people continued to talk about a paperless forwarding company.
This is still the case around 2020. Here the digital processes have been expanded more and more.
Today (2023/2024) people no longer talk about “paperless” processes, but more and more about “low-paper” processes. Processes are specifically created to save as much paper as possible. However, a completely paperless forwarding company is viewed as rather unrealistic.
Examples of where you can easily save paper in logistics
- Roll card
Instead of the paper roll card, this can also be displayed digitally. The advantage: a quicker overview, further information is easily accessible (e.g. telephone numbers) and increased transparency in the goods chain. Approximately 4 sheets of paper can be saved per tour. - Proof of delivery
The digital delivery receipt means there is no need for subsequent scanning and the receipt is automatically filed/archived without any time delay. With the approval of a storage permit, a photo can also be taken during the digital process and the delivery can still be documented. This saves one sheet of paper per stop. - CMR consignment note
The CMR consignment note can also be displayed completely digitally. The clear advantage is that there is no waiting for the CMR. Through digital processing, the e-CMR is available immediately. In addition, paper can be saved here too. - Loading equipment accompanying note
With this, pallet movements can be documented digitally. The data is immediately available transparently, so that the forwarding companies have a better overview. With the help of a set geofence, drivers can also be prevented from driving to a pallet dealer to sell pallets. - Departure control
Departure control can also be easily done digitally. The driver is guided through certain points that he must check and then sign to indicate whether the vehicle is ready to drive or not. The result is immediately available digitally. The forwarding company also gets an easy insight into the history. This digital process can also save one to two sheets of paper per departure check.