As of September 10, 2014, each professional driver must have the key number 95 registered in their license in accordance to Professional Drivers’ Qualification Law. The absence of this key number is fineable. And not only the driver but also the entrepreneurs are liable. Excuses are not accepted by the Federal Office for Goods Transport (BAG), because this date has been known for 5 years.
The key number 95 shows the initial qualification and the necessary additional trainings of the professional driver and must be registered in the license since September 10. Although there will be no special inspections of BAG in Munich, according to Peter Setzensack, head of the control unit, the BAG-checkers will now pay special attention on the key number 95 during regular controls. This he said in an interview in the VerkehrsRundschau 34-35/2014. If a driver is caught without the entry in the license during a control, he receives complaint notice and must pay a fine. The fine depends on every individual case and can range between 50 and 400 Euros.
Therefore, anyone who does not have the key number registered in their license already, should initiate it as soon as possible at the driver’s license office.