Time to rest: 30 truckers. 30 Norwegian nights.

Time to rest: 30 truckers. 30 Norwegian nights.

Time to sleep. Because the timer beeps and the law demands it. Somewhere in the middle of nowhere. That’s professional life – not only for Norwegian truck drivers. A young Norwegian photographer has portrayed 30 Truckers in a very intimate moment: in their sleep.

Touching pictures were taken by Line Ørnes Søndergaard, published on her project website Time to rest. For a photo report in her study, the photographer wanted to find out what happens when the truck is in downtime. 30 portraits and very different stories of a very heterogeneous occupational group originated there. On Spiegel Online she tells how she made contact with the drivers. For this she looked out for parked trucks on the roadside in the evening, then simply knocked on the driver’s door, talked about her project and stayed in the truck, in the second, empty bed, above. Nothing happened to her. She had very personal conversations, listened and learned a lot about the families and friends of the truckers and the profile of the typical truck driver. The result are touching images of strong men (and one woman) who provide an insight into a profession in transition – surrounded by a breathtakingly beautiful landscape.

Photo courtesy of ©Line Ørnes Søndergaard

Barbara Brecht-Hadraschek

Since 2000 online editor and copywriter. For several years, she writes and proofreads texts of all kinds as a freelancer for TIS. For the new blog she works as an editor and writes technical papers in close collaboration with the TIS team.

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