Travel right

Rule of driving on the right side

In Germany, the rule of driving on the right side of the road is set in the road traffic act (§ 2 StVO). Because of this, the traffic flow should be lightened and the roads should be used efficiently. On two-lane or three-lane roads which are defined as out of town it is ruled to drive on the right side. The following bevahior patterns are valid:

– The permanent driving on the left or middle traffic lane is forbidden.
– It is only allowed to use the left traffic lane in case of passing other cars or in case the traffic density does not allow anything else.
– After the passing of other cars, the left traffic lane has to be exited.
– Also the middle traffic lane should just be used when passing other cars. If no other passing of cars is possible in the foreseeable future, it has to be changed to the right traffic lane again.
– Trucks with an admissible total weight of more than 3,5 tons are not allowed to drive on the left traffic lane when the road has three or more lanes.

The willful use of the left lane to slow down or to thwart the others can be judged as duress (§ 240 StGB).

Tourist traffic

Right arrangements
– Take account of load securing
– Technical check of mobile homes or caravans
– Avoiding of overload (control before the start of the tour)
– Check of traffic disturbances and traffic jams
– Planning of enough breaks
– To plan with raised traffic volume when working as a professional driver

Corridor for emergency vehicle access
– Knowing the rules
– To obey the instructions of the action force in construction areas
– Do not leave the vehicle (neither with children)

– Planning of enough breaks (approx. every two hours)
– Looking for danger signals such as microsleep
– Enabling of exercise for the children in safe areas (e.g. parking lots or resting areas)

Recommended speed
– The speed of 130 km/h counts as a good travel speed
– Do not speed up because of delays
– Choose the speed always wisely so that forward looking driving is still possible

Keep calm! In case of an accident or a breakdown, please secure the vehicle and wait for the rescue teams behind the crash barrier.

Martina Habeck

The department for road safety of police Münster informs drivers of commercial goods and persons free by sending regular “information-mails”. We will keep you up-to-date on news and changes in the social rules (driving and rest periods). Information on digital recording equipment, cargo securing and anything that might be important to you, we will pass on to you.
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